From the Committee to produce the Little Red Songbook, 39th Edition

We want YOU to send your suggestions to [email protected] for new songs to include in the next edition of the Little Red Songbook!

Who are we? No one special—just a few Wobblies who volunteered to work on a new edition of the book. The 38th edition was released in 2010 and the IWW’s Literature Committee decided to find interested members to produce an update.

What do we want? Ideas. Have you participated in direct actions that included singing songs or dancing to music? Have you heard or seen any inspiring musical performances at a picket or rally?

Send us your pro-worker song ideas and we’ll consider them for the newest edition.

In the immortal words of the great Chumbawumba: “We’ll be singin’, when we’re winnin’!”

Note from the chair of the Literature Committee, Fellow Worker M Wilk

Updating the Little Red Songbook has been on the Literature Committee’s to-do list for a long time, but most LitCom members were not particularly musically inclined and weren’t sure what updating it would look like, so we put a dedicated musicians’ committee together.
I am hopeful that a new edition of the songbook will introduce the old classics to the next generation of Wobblies, but I’m also well aware that keeping the Wobbly music tradition alive means carrying it forward with new songs. I’m excited to see what that will look – and sound – like.

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