A revolutionary update from an incarcerated fellow worker.
Revolutionary Greetings Fellow Workers and Comrades everywhere!!
It is I Comrade Malik reporting in from Behind Enemy Lines. I am now on my way to a Federal U.S. Penitentiary in Louisiana known as USP Pollock. The greatest threats to my safety that I face from the Oppressors are Isolation and the Censorship of my Free Speech. The IWW, IWOC, as well as Anarchists and Socialists everywhere, can help me combat these strategies by doing a few things:
#1.) Stay in touch with me and Organize in persyn Prison visits with me when the Federal Prion is not on Lockdown.
#2.) For those who loathe these modern-day Koncentration Kamps and who prefer not to Visit it would help me a lot if you use your Cyber-Skills to help Amplify My voice via Social Media and other Platforms.
#3.) Help Me and Mary Ratcliff create a Realistic Financial Sustainability Model for the San Francisco Bay View National Black News Paper!!! Note: Y’all know that prisoners do not have access to the Internet and the Bay View continues to be the Platform many Incarcerated Workers and Freedom Fighters use to Communicate with each other and our Free World Comrades!! THESE ARE FACTS!
Fellow workers as we enter the Year of 2020 the Struggle Which Seeks to END PRISON SLAVERY continues!!!!
As we all prepare for another round of Historic National Prison Work Stoppages we must concentrate our energy on conveying to Free World Folks and members of the Media why we are engaging in these acts of PEACEFUL Direct Action and International Solidarity. We must Highlight the ongoing Humyn Rights and Civil Rights Violations and Abuses carried out by Prison Officials against Prisoners across the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Russia, Central and South Amerika.
We must not lose track of the subject of Forced Prison Labor and the Fact that in 2020 the U.S. Constitution still promotes, condones, and sanctions the institutions of Slavery and Involuntary Servitude!!! AMEND THE 13TH AMENDMENT NOW!!!!!
In 2019 we saw the U.S. Department of INJUSTICE release a scathing report which detailed over the top violence, abuse, and corruption inside prisons operated by the Alabama Department of Corrections. The question is this: What has William Barr and the D.O.J. done in order to address or even change the conditions inside Alabama Prisons??? NOT A DAMN THANG!!
Our comrade and ally Kinetik Justice of the Free Alabama Movement continues to struggle for his Humyn rights and the Rights of All Alabama Prisoners. WE CAN NOT LEAVE KINETIK JUSTICE IN THE LURCH!! We must come up with creative and innovative ways to help him and others in our Movement!!!
My Fellow Federal Prisoners Jeremy Hammond, Eric King, and Chelsea Manning are being subjected to Orwellian Schemes by the U.S. Government meant to beat them into submission!!! Comrades, we must not and can not remain silent or idle any longer!!! It is time for Brain-Storming and Planning. We keep falling back on the defensive. The Pigs continue to harm us. HACKERS UNITE!! The sleepers must awake now!!! Where is ANONYMOUS OR ANY CLANDESTINE CYBER WARRIOR WHEN WE NEED THEM??? Yes!! I said it!!! We must have these difficult conversations comrades. Private and Secret conversations!!!
Before I go let me say that I am very angry and disappointed with this So-Called ‘Maoist formation’ which organized to attack Fellow Workers E-Veee and Brianna Peril while they attended a Movie in Kansas City!!! Since when did true Servants of the People of the Shining Path take to brutally beating disabled humyn beings who are supposed to be your damn allies!!!!???
I’d like someone to inform these comrades with the Red Brigade Shining Path or whoever they are that I said this:
DON’T ATTACK US ANYMORE. There are White Nationalists here in Amerikkka who continue to harm Jewish People, LGBTQ PEOPLE, WIMMIN, AND PEOPLE OF COLOR!! You mean to tell me that y’all have to attack us? DON’T DO IT!! Please let these Maoist comrades know I said this. Remember: An injury to one is an injury to all!!
Dare to Struggle, Dare to win, All power to the people!!!
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